CCBL Rules

The CCBL operates under and adheres to the official rules of Baseball Canada. Below are Baseball Canada’s rules as it relates to the age divisions played within the CCBL.


CCBL – Organization Involvement & Rules 


All organizations born to the CCBL organization are private organizations that independently train baseball development. Each organization must meet a minimum requirement of x2 teams in the league. Each program must also have a presence in a minimum of x2 age divisions to participate in the league. Organizations must also intend to have a long-term presence in the league. For incorporation into the league, organizations must participate for a minimum of x2 years.   


Coaches: Be sure you are aware of all rules and rule changes. The CCBL follows the official rules of Baseball Canada. The CCBL reserves the right to amend these rules at any time as needed. 

Bat Specifications 


  • – Metal/Composite bats 
  • All bats must have a branding, label, or stamp proving BPF 1.15. 
  • – USA Bat, BBCOR and Wood bats are also allowed. 


  • 5 minimum drop 
  • Metal/Composite bat 
  • All bats must have a branding, label, or stamp proving BPF 1.15, and length/weight ratio vary by division. 
  • USABat, BBCOR and Wood bats are also allowed. 


  • Metal/Composite or Wood bat 
  • Please double-check your event’s specific bat restrictions as some events have stricter bat restrictions. 
  • Wood bats must be composed of a single piece of wood. 
  • Please see the specific event home page for the bat type being used. 
  • 14U Open & Major: -3 BBCOR 
  • 14U AAA/AA: -5 or -3 


  • Metal/Composite bat or Wood bat. 
  • Length/weight ratio must be -3 and stamped BBCOR. 
  • Wood bats must be composed of a single piece of wood. 
  • Please see the specific event home page for the bat type being used. 

Players using illegal bat violations – 1st violation – Batter is pronounced out, second violation the batter is pronounced out and the coach is removed from the game.  


“A bat which has been subjected to change in its physical makeup outside the original manufacturers product” 

At any point, an umpire employed by the CCFBL  or a representative from the CCFBL may request to inspect a bat at a sanctioned event.  

The owner/user of the bat has the responsibility of having knowledge of whether a bat is altered. 


Bats that are damaged in any way, including but not limited to cracked, warped, missing a knob/cap, having a rattle, etc. are not legal for Perfect Game sanctioned events. Bats may not have any certifying markings or graphics worn off the bat. Bats that have to certify or identifying markings worn off the bat shall be removed from play. 

No substance shall be added to the bat barrel. The barrel of the bat and all identifying marks or graphics shall be free of any foreign obstruction. If a foreign substance is discovered as being used or identifying marks on the bat is not visible the bat shall be removed from play. 

2] Pitching Regulations 

Balk Rule – The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. A called balk will remain a LIVE ball. The offensive team has the choice of taking the called balk or the result of the play. The balk is not considered an automatic dead ball. 

The fake to third and throw to first play remains LEGAL for all CCBL events. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber. 

Pitching Restrictions 

Daily Limits 

  • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches. 
  • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches. 
  • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches. 
  • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches. 
  • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits. The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games. Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations. 

3] Pitching Violations 

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit. 

4] Game Procedure 

  • No new innings will be started after 1 hour 50 minutes. Home plate umpires officially announces if time limit has been reached. No inning can start after the time limit.A tie is equal to a ½ win and ½ loss for each team. 

Championship Round/Playoffs 

  • Championship Games are no Time Limit if time allows. 
  • IF Championship game is in middle of day, you will add 10 minutes to regular game time. 
  • The home team in Championship Play will be the higher seed 

Extra Innings 

  • International run rule, 1 runner begins on 2nd with 0 out.  
  • The base runners will be placed as follows: Last hitter from previous inning @ 2nd Base 

5] Forfeits 

A team should do everything within their power to start the game with 9 eligible players. Should a team not be able to begin with 9 players a game may begin with 8 players with the 9th lineup spot being an automatic out. A game can be finished with 8 players. If there are no eligible subs the player leaving the original lineup will be recorded as an out until he is able to return. 


Any intentional forfeit could result in the forfeiting team being eliminated from the tournament. The tournament committee will rule on all forfeits. No team should benefit from the result of a forfeit in an unfair manner. This rule could result in a dispute and the event committee reserves the right to look at and rule in the fairest possible way. The committee’s decision will be final! A forfeit score will be the average runs scored for the winning team to 0 for the losing team. Only the Head Director can call a forfeit. 

6] Taking Infield 

Host sites for events need to prepare and anticipate 30 mins of  Infield / outfield on field practice opportunities for both home and away teams prior to game time. Each team will be given 15 minutes. Teams can deny their  infield / outfield.  

7] Mercy Rules 

10 run rule after 3 complete innings.  

8] Equipment 

Metal cleats cannot be worn for divisions 12U and younger. Metal spikes may be worn in divisions 13U and older.Any player catching must wear all necessary protective gear including a catcher’s helmet with a facemask, throat guard (separately attached or built-in), chest protector, shin/leg guards, and an athletic supporter. 

9] Trips to the Mound 

The members of the coaching staff (including the manager) can make one mound visit per pitcher per inning without needing to remove the pitcher from the game. If the same pitcher is visited twice in one inning, the pitcher must be removed from the contest. 

10] Lineups 

Hitting Lineup 

  • Lineups must be given to the umpire previous to game time including all players first and last names. Names cannot be added mid-game. Please anticipate any late arriving athletes that may need to be on roster card. Teams may bat a minimum of 8 batters and a maximum of 18 batters on a lineup. Batters not holding a position do not need to be indicated as EH but hold a batting spot in the lineup to a maximum of 18. 
  • May start game with 8 players, 9th player spot is an out when he comes up in lineup. 
  • DH Allowed 
  • Team can bat its entire lineup. 

Roster Batting Rules 


  • Batter: If a batter cannot fulfill his time at bat due to injury or illness, and there is no replacement player even with re-entry available that player will be eliminated from that entire game. His spot in the batting order will be an automatic out each time. 
  • Runner: If a runner cannot continue his time on the bases, that player will be substituted under the Courtesy Runner rule for Roster Batting. He will not be allowed to participate in the remainder of the game. His spot will be an automatic out. 

Ejection or Injury 

  • A player ejected while roster batting will result in the team losing that player for the entire game. His spot in the batting order will be an automatic out each time. 

Courtesy Runner – Roster Batting 

  • The last batter not on base. If the last batter not on base is unavailable (i.e., he is the catcher or pitcher), the designated runner will roll back until such time as a possible substitute can be found. 

11] In Case of Rain 

All rain out games may not be made up depending on time constraints. In case of scheduling changes, it is the team’s responsibility, not the tournament committee, to make sure they are aware of the new schedule or any scheduling changes. This information will be posted on the tournament web site when it becomes available. Note: No special requests will be honored if rescheduling becomes necessary. Tournament format is subject to change at any time if deemed necessary and will be determined based on the fairest outcome for all teams. All coaches should make sure the tournament committee has current contact info. If games are cancelled, pool winners and championship qualification will be determined by the tie breaking procedures (listed below). 

12] Stop In Play 

 After 4 complete innings, a game can be considered complete. If however, the game is interrupted previous to the 4th inning  a tie score will be recorded. Unless there is reasonable solution to suspend the event to a later date, in which case the game would resume from the exact point it was left off. The pitching limits for the later date will be applicable, the same pitcher does not necessarily need to continue in the event of a suspended game. 


13] Protests 

Judgment calls are not eligible for protest. Protests for pitching limitations are permissible for non-DiamondKast events only. Protests will be heard and ruled on by a league committee. The team protesting must make cash payment of $100 at the time of the protest. If the protest is ruled in the protesting team’s favor the $100 will be refunded. The ruling made by the committee will be final. Protests must be filed and ruled on before the next pitch if during game, or before umpires leave field if after a game. 

14] Roster Changes 

All players should be listed on the official roster prior to the first game. 18U games will not allow players to be added to the roster after submission. If a player is listed on more than one roster, the player listed will make a decision as to which roster, he is legally on. This decision is up to the individual player. No player can appear in a tournament game for more than one team. If there are multiple events (events defined as ages or classifications within a weekend grouping) going on at one time players are permitted to play for one team in each event if so desired; pitching limitations still apply to the player. Age divisions within the CCFBL count as separate events. 

  • The team’s manager is responsible for all aspects of the eligibility of the players on his team and that they meet the requirements. 
  • A player who is in violation of the age eligibility shall be considered an illegal player. If anytime during a game, a player is discovered illegal due to age, the team is subject to forfeit. The first team a player participates for is their official team. 

15] Scoring 

We recommend that all teams (home and visitor) keep a scorebook. The official scorebook and lineup card for the game will be kept by tournament staff, in case of an emergency where staff cannot keep book the home team will be the official scorer. In a situation in which tournament staff and the home team are unable to score the visitor would become the official book. All subs should be reported to the umpires. To eliminate scoring disputes scorekeepers should check with the official scorer during and after the game. 

  • Lineup cards must be fully filled out with players’ first name, last name, position, and accurate jersey numbers. All substitutes should be listed with accurate jerseys numbers. Failure to produce a complete lineup card can result in games not starting on time. Lineup cards are to be given to the official scorekeeper before the home plate meeting. 

16] Sportsmanship 

In the interest of maintaining a quality event, the tournament committee reserves the right to eject any person from the site for unruly or unsportsmanlike behavior. Such behavior shall include but not limited to: 

  • Physical attack on an umpire, tournament official, associate director, associate officer, and/or any player or fan prior, during, or immediately following a game played under the authority of Perfect Game. Assault on an official is a felony in some states. 
  • Players, coaches, managers, fans, spectators, or sponsors threatening an umpire, tournament official, associate director, or associate officer with physical harm. 
  • Any player, coach, manager, sponsor, fan, spectator, director, or officer who engages in physical fighting. 
  • Using unsportsmanlike conduct or abusive language, symbol tactics, or derogatory or unbecoming acts. 
  • Destruction of property or abuse or failure to pay. 
  • Competing under an assumed, false and/or altered name. 
  • Tournament hosts have the authority to eject a player, fans, or team anytime during a tournament of committing any of the above listed offenses. 
  • A player, spectator, fan or coach ejection carries removal from that game only. 
  • Any spectator, coach, manager, or player who is ejected for the second time during the tournament will be eliminated from participating for the remainder of the tournament. 
  • Any event that results in physical altercation (before, during or after a game) could result in a forfeit for both teams. Tournament committee reserves the right to remove teams from playoff contention. 
  • Any participant that is ejected by an umpire after a contest is completed must sit the next scheduled game. If it is the last game of the tournament the offender may be required to sit the first game of the next tournament that the team plays in. 

17] Courtesy Runners 

Courtesy runners can be used for the Pitcher and Catcher at any time but must be a VALID SUBSTITUTE. In addition, the same substitute CANNOT run for more than one position (Pitcher or Catcher) in the same game. Additionally, if a team is batting their entire lineup, the courtesy runner will be the last batter not on base. If the last batter not on base is unavailable (i.e., he is the catcher or pitcher), the designated runner will roll back until such time as a possible substitute can be found. 

18] Legal Slide 

A legal slide can be either feet first or head first. If a runner slides feet first, at least one leg and buttock shall be on the ground prior to contact with the fielder. If a runner slides headfirst,the runner’s arm/arms and torso must be on the ground prior to contact with the fielder. 

18] Jumping Over a Fielder 

A runner leaving his feet to avoid a fielder that is either in possession of the ball or in the act of fielding is illegal. The ball is dead and the runner is called out. No runners may advance from the last base legally occupied at the time of the illegal act. The runner does not have to contact the fielder and the fielder does not have to control the ball for this to be considered an illegal act. 

20] Officials 

Perfect Game shall utilize officials who are registered with Perfect Game and administer the contest in accordance with Perfect Game rules and expectations. 

21] Not Covered In The Rules 

In the event any item is not covered in these rules the Rules of Baseball Canada will be referenced by the umpires or subsequent CCFL committee and we will make the fairest possible ruling, and that ruling will be final! 

Youth Age Restrictions: 

13U – 13 years old and younger who do not reach their 14th birthday during the current calendar year.  

15U – 15 years old and younger who do not reach their 16th birthday during the current calendar year. 

18U – 18 years old and younger who do not reach their 19th birthday during the current calendar year. 

Questions about the youth rules and regulations? 

Email the CCFBL 


 max barrel of 2 3/4” with (i) a 1.15 BPF (Bat Performance Factor) or (ii) USA Baseball Model is permitted. 

For the 13U National Championships using up to a minus 10-length/weight differential is permitted.  


Religious headgear that is consistent with Baseball Canada safety and recognized uniform code requirement is permitted.  

All players, including pitchers, are permitted to wear compression sleeves on one or both arms. If only wearing one, it may be worn on either the pitching or glove arm. A compression sleeve extending only to the elbow shall have the same restrictions as a compression sleeve extending to the wrist. Pitchers must wear compression sleeves which are solid in colour and may not be white or grey.  

Pitchers may not wear compression sleeves which are distracting in nature including designs and reflective material. A sports elbow brace may be worn by a pitcher provided it is covered by a sleeve which is not distracting in nature including designs & reflective material. 


All players shall wear double earflap helmets while at bat, in the on-deck circle and on the base-paths in all age categories. Baseball Canada recognizes NOCSAE as their standard for Baseball Helmets. Baseball Canada recommends that no modifications to a helmet be made, other than what is done by the manufacturer or is completed at the explicit directions of the manufacturer. Batting helmets do not require Facemasks or Chin Straps, but this rule does not prohibit the use of them. 3.09 The C.F.A.B. rules require catchers in all age categories to wear a protective helmet and mask while catching. NOTE: This includes practice and warm-up situations such as the bullpen or between innings. Coaches must wear at least a mask in all practice and warm-up situations.  


Warm-Up Pitches When a new pitcher enters the game, they shall receive 8 preparatory pitches, unless under emergency circumstances covered elsewhere in OBR. Each additional inning, they shall receive 5 preparatory pitches, the umpire has the discretion to extend this to 8 pitches under special circumstances, i.e. Cold weather or extraordinary long inning. Both of these shall not exceed 90 seconds.  

BETWEEN INNING CLOCK GENERAL GUIDELINES: The between-innings clock will be set at ninety (90) seconds. Umpire will keep time with a stopwatch. The clock will be in effect for the entire game, including any extra innings. It will be activated once the last out of the inning has been recorded.  


Contact Rule: All penalties and enforcement guidelines regarding collisions at home plate and slides at bases apply as outlined in Rules 6.01(i) and Rules 6.01(j) of the Official Rules of Baseball. In addition, any offensive or defensive player who, in the umpire’s judgment, makes malicious contact with another player shall be ejected. Contact shall be considered malicious if, in the umpire’s judgment, it is the result of intentional excessive force or there is an intent to injure. 5.11  


The designated hitter may be used in any exhibition play, league play, playoffs, tournaments, and championships  

“A second trip to the same pitcher in the same inning will cause the pitcher’s automatic removal from the pitching position. The pitcher once removed from the mound as a result of 8.06 (b) as stated above, although retained in the game, may not be back as a pitcher in that same game. 9.17 (1) Starting pitcher is credited with the win if they complete four (4) full innings. (11.00)  


All players are registered on the offensive line up and each one hits at his turn: (a) When a player arrives during the game, he is inserted in the last spot on the batting order. When a player leaves during the game, he is removed from the batting order. No automatic out is counted. If a player cannot complete his turn at bat, the following batter will replace him with the same count. The replaced player can be reinserted in the game. If a player cannot complete his presence on bases, he is replaced with the last recorded out.  


An equitable usage of the players is recommended 

4 innings constitute a regulation game if the home team has more runs than the visiting team.  


13U DIVISION – Field Mesurements – 70 FT base paths.  48 FT mound. 6 inch mound height. The following outfield fence distances are recommended: Left and Right foul lines 225 ft Centrefield 260 ft 


Shoes with metal cleats or “spikes” are prohibited.  

Rubber molded cleats on running shoes are permitted. 

Religious headgear that is consistent with Baseball Canada safety and recognized uniform code requirement is permitted 

Any starting player may be substituted for and returned to the game, one time only. He/she must return to his/her original place in the batting order. Any pitcher, if removed from the game may return, but may not pitch. Any further substitutions do not jeopardize the right of re-entry for the original/starting player. Any starting player returned to the game may pitch if he/she has not previously assumed that position. 7.01 The number of innings prescribed for the 13U division is seven (7) innings. 


ALL RUNNERS ARE PERMITTED TO LEAD – OFF. All base-runners are governed by standards of regulation baseball on all base-running actions.  

RULES GOVERNING ARM SMART (PITCH COUNT) in 13U DIVISION Refer to page cc9. OFFICIAL RULES OF BASEBALL- CANADIAN CONTENT cc8 RULES GOVERNING 15U BOYS AND 16U GIRLS DIVISION 2.01 The playing field shall conform to the following measurements: (a) The distance between all bases shall be eighty (80) feet. (b) The distance between the point of home base and the front side of the pitcher’s plate shall be fifty-four (54) ft. (c) The pitcher’s mound shall be raised to a gradual slope. To a height of 8 inches above the levels of the base paths. The coaches’ boxes shall be 8×16 ft & NOT closer than 10 ft from the base paths. (e) The backstop (behind home plate) shall NOT BE LESS THAN 40 ft. and no more than 50 ft. from home plate. (f) The following outfield fence distances are recommended: Left and Right foul lines (245 ft min, suggested 270 ft,)…Centrefield (280 ft min, suggested 300 ft) 3.02 THE BAT: See rule book page cc3. 3.03 Religious headgear that is consistent with Baseball Canada safety and recognized uniform code requirement is permitted. 5.10 Any starting player may be substituted for and returned to the game, one time only. He/she must return to his/her original place in the batting order. Any pitcher, if removed from the game may return, but may not pitch. Any further substitutions do not jeopardize the right of re-entry for the original/starting player. Any starting player returned to the game may pitch if he/she has not previously assumed that position. 7.01 The number on innings prescribed for 15U Division is seven (7) innings. NOTE: See general baseball rule re: ending a game. 5.11 The designated hitter rule is not permitted in this age category.  


RULES GOVERNING ARM SMART (PITCH COUNT) in 15U BOYS AND 16U GIRLS DIVISION Refer to page cc9. RULES GOVERNING 18U DIVISION RULES GOVERNING ARM SMART (PITCH COUNT) in 18U DIVISION Refer to page cc9. RULES GOVERNING ARM SMART (PITCH COUNT) in 11U, 13U, 15U BOYS & 16U GIRLS, 18U, 22U Men, and CANADA CUP Rules Governing the Pitcher (Exhibition Play, League Play, Play-Off’s, Tournaments, & Championships) 6.02 (1) Any player on the team is eligible to pitch, and there are no restrictions to the number of pitchers a manager may use in a game. (2) Pitchers shall be permitted to have 2 appearances in the same calendar day. If a pitcher requires a rest following 1st appearance, they cannot return in the same calendar day. (3) If a pitcher meets the requirements to pitch on consecutive days and the pitcher does not go over the first daily threshold during game 1, they are permitted to have a 2nd appearance in the same calendar day. Pitchers will not be permitted to exceed the maximum daily allowable number of pitches in any two day period. Pitchers cannot pitch in 3 games during a day. Example: A 11U pitcher throws 20 pitches on Day 1. On Day 2, that pitcher is limited to 55 pitches. A 15U pitcher throws 25 pitches on Day 1.  


On Day OFFICIAL RULES OF BASEBALL- CANADIAN CONTENT cc9 2, that pitcher is limited to 70 pitches. A 22U Men pitcher throws 45 pitches on Day 1. On Day 2, that pitcher is limited to 70 pitches. (4) Pitcher cannot pitch 3 consecutive days unless a pitcher’s first 2 days combined does not exceed: 11U : 25 15U Boys / 16U Girls : 35 13U: 30 18U/Canada Cup/Canada Games : 40 If pitcher’s day 1 + day 2 exceeds figure above for their division, they require at least 1 days rest. Pitcher cannot pitch 4 consecutive days. One (1) days rest is needed. A Pitcher’s combined 4 day pitch count cannot exceed: 11U : 105 15U Boys / 16U Girls : 135 13U: 120 18U/Canada Cup/Canada Games: 150 21U Women/22U Men: 165 (5) Pitchers and managers shall follow the following guidelines: (6) The official scorekeeper will calculate the total pitches thrown for that calendar day and determine the required rest starting the next calendar day. Athletes must not exceed the maximum pitch count total for that day. (7) Once a player assumes the position of pitcher, they cannot catch for the remainder of the day. (8) Pitchers will be permitted to finish the batter if his or her maximum pitch limit has been reached for that calendar day. (A) When a pitcher reaches the maximum number of pitches allowed for a threshold (see table above), he can complete the at-bat without the penalty on days of rest, as long as he does not pitch to another batter. In this situation, the number of pitches corresponding to the threshold reached will be indicated on the pitching log. The coach or manager needs to acknowledge this to the umpire at this moment prior to the next pitch. Umpire would then notify the scorekeeper. B) When the pitcher reaches the maximum number of pitches allowed (75, 85, 95, 105 and 115 pitches) during a day during a batters at-bat, he is allowed to complete the at-bat and must be replaced following that batter. (9) Only pitches actually thrown will be included in Pitch Count totals. Automatic balls during an intentional walk do not count towards Pitch Count totals. Example; if during a count of 2 balls – 0 strike, a team signals to the umpire that a batter will receive an intentional walk, only 2 pitches will be counted for pitch count. (10) Required Rest shall be defined in “Days” starting at 12:01am and ending at 11:59 pm of the next calendar day. 11U 13U 15U Boys 16U Girls 18U Canada Cup Canada Games 22U Men & 21U Women Rest required 1-25 1-30 1-35 1-40 1-45 None 26-40 31-45 36-50 41-55 46-60 1 day 41-55 46-60 51-65 56-70 61-75 2 days 56-65 61-75 66-80 71-85 76-90 3 days 66-75 76-85 81-95 86-105 91-115 4 days 75 85 95 105 115  


Maximum OFFICIAL RULES OF BASEBALL- CANADIAN CONTENT cc10 (11) If a game continues past 12:01am, those pitches are counted as if pitched prior to midnight. If a game is suspended, when it resumes it is defined as a different day. (12) A pitcher who is removed from the mound during a game shall not be permitted to return to pitch in the same game, even if the pitcher is retained in the game at another position. (13) Any violation of any part of the pitch count rule, the result is the Head Coach is ejected from the current game and receives an additional game suspension. (14) The total number of pitches thrown by an ambidextrous pitcher are counted for the purpose of calculating pitch count, regardless of which arm or combination there-of is throwing. (15) When a game is stopped by inclement weather or for any other reason than a mercy rule, that specific game has to be resumed at the point of stoppage. If Pitcher “A” is the starting pitcher of a game and has a pitch count below the first threshold, Pitcher “A” can then be used as a pitcher again for that particular game but considering he will be carrying the number of pitches thrown when the game stopped. This applies for a game that is resumed on the same day or on the next day. For example, if Pitcher “A” threw 30 pitches at 15U Nationals, he will then be allowed to throw a maximum of 65 pitches when the game resumes. If Pitcher “A” had thrown 36 pitches when the rain started, he would not be eligible to pitch if that game is re-scheduled for the next day as he needs his full day of rest. If the game is resumed during the same day, he can then come back as a pitcher while carrying his pitches. (16) A player playing in a division other than their own age group shall pitch based on the pitch count of the lower-aged division. For example; a 13U playing at 15U is subject to the 13U rules; an 18U playing at 15U is subject to the 15U rules. 5.10 (c) The manager or coach may make a 2nd visit to the mound while the same batter is at-bat in order to remove the pitcher. IMPORTANT PITCHING INFORMATION (ALL MINOR DIVISIONS) When the use of a pitcher who is ineligible or about to become ineligible is evident scorekeepers or other officials MUST notify the manager or coach of the offending team so that an opportunity for assignment correction may be immediately affected. In the event that a coach deliberately overpitches his pitcher, the result is the Head Coach is ejected from the current game and receives an additional game suspension.  


INFORMATION ON COMPILING A PITCHER’S – “OUT” RECORD An “OUT” is listed against a pitcher’s record during HIS ACTIVE ENGAGEMENT ONLY. Although all runners who may be on base upon a pitcher’s removal are chargeable to that pitcher in determining won or lost records…  


ALL OUTS ON THE SAID RUNNERS SHALL BE LISTED AND CHARGED TO THE PITCHING RECORD OF THE SUBSTITUTE PITCHER OF ACTION WHEN THE OUTS OCCUR. NO PITCHER SHALL BE SUBJECT TO PENALTY for exceeding the out limitations through: (a) a scorer’s error in compiling records: or (b) should the limit be exceeded on a DOUBLE or TRIPLE play on the pitcher’s last out. NOTE: The extras OUT (S) as circumstances may provide in multiple play sequences  


ARE NOT CHARGEABLE TO ANY SUCCEEDING PITCHER. Scorers MUST NOTE the fact on the pitching records that extra out(s) over the maximum allowed were the results of a double or triple play action.  


OFFICIAL RULES OF BASEBALL- CANADIAN CONTENT cc11 7.04 Protesting Games Each league shall adopt rules governing procedure for protesting a game, when a manager claims that an umpire’s decision is in violation of these rules. No protest shall ever be permitted on judgment decisions by the umpire. In all protested games, the decision of the League President shall be final. Even if it is held that the protested decision violated the rules, no replay of the game will be ordered unless in the opinion of the League President the violation adversely affected the protesting team’s chances of winning the game. Rule 7.04 Comment: Whenever a manager protests a game because of alleged misapplication of the rules the protest will not be recognized unless the umpires are notified at the time the play under protest occurs and before the next pitch, play or attempted play. A protest arising on a game-ending play must be filed before the home plate umpire leaves the field. As it relates to 3.02(c) a protest shall not be allowed on a play where the 18 inch pine tar rule is violated. As it relates to 9.01(b)(3) the official scorer shall make note of the exact situation at time of protest and if a game is to be resumed from the point of protest that the game resume with exactly the same situation as just before the protested play. As it relates to General Instructions to Umpires, Do not allow criticism to keep you from studying out bad situations that may lead to protested games. Carry your rule book. It is better to consult the rules and hold up the game ten minutes to decide a knotty problem than to have a game thrown out on protest and replayed